It has obviously been a while since I’ve written a post.
This is mostly because there has not been a lot to write about. “But Sabrina,
you started this blog to write about your running and you have four half
marathons and a 10 miler on the calendar for this year, so you must have lots
of training to write about,” is probably what you are thinking. And you would
be right, I have a lot of training to write about so totally wrong, I
have been the biggest slacker ever. As you know, I have a tendency to ramble
and write long posts, so I’m going to keep this simple. This is what I have
been up to since my last post:
Thanksgiving Day:
Ran a 10K in Miami (hello PR nice to meet you)
I was super inspired and excited to reach the half
marathon distance. Then I came back to Maryland (hello craptastic cold weather)…
then before I knew it Christmas came and I had only ran maybe ten times between
Thanksgiving and Christmas. No worries
though, the hubs and I were leaving for our honeymoon two days after Christmas
and since we were going to be in sunny warm weather, I would run every day. Ok,
cool, plan set.
The honeymoon was amazing. Puerto Rico and Miami were
both BEAUTIFUL. The weather was perfect the whole time. How could you NOT run
in this weather?!?! Quite easily
actually. We ate, relaxed, drank, ate
more, relaxed more, threw in some hiking, kayaking, and walking. Oh yeah, and I
ran… once… for a mile… on a treadmill. How awesome am I?!
Fast forward to February 16th :
Ran my first half marathon.
It snowed, rained, sleeted, and hailed the entire time. I
was freezing and wet. Since my training had been going so well I did awesome
I ran only a handful of times within the month (I only needed my long runs,
right?!!?), I wanted to die. Ok, maybe not die, but I was certainly not a happy
camper. I finished though… yay!
Even though it was rough, I was glad I did it. It really
inspired me to get back on a real training schedule. This time was different. I
was going to get back into it or die trying. I even felt good enough to run
that Wednesday and was so happy I wasn’t sore and was ready to start.
Whelp then I didn’t. I have run three times since then. To make it even worse, my working out in
general has sucked since the half. My friend Katie and I have a “challenge” set
up regarding working out. It involves having to pay the other person if we don’t
work out a certain amount of times a week. Well most weeks the money is enough
motivation to work out. Unfortunately sometimes it has not and I’ve had to pay
her- Katie, by the way has never once had to pay me. This is reason a zillion
Katie is a better person than I am…anyway I digress. Where was I going? Oh
right, work outs sucking. One rule we set when we first started the challenge-
each work out had to be a half hour, so each of mine have been… but they have
been some of the saddest half hours of working out ever seen. Seriously pathetic. Many of them have
included me yelling at the DVD instructor and then only half ass doing the
But then this happened:
Actually no. I was going to try to find a picture of me
now because I have put back on way too many of the pounds I worked so hard to
lose, but I don’t feel like it. I’m going to save the little of what is left of
my dignity. Go on Facebook or Instagram and see my sad sad downfall. .. or just
look at the above picture from the half in February.
The above are really hard for me to admit about how my
training and general “healthy living” is going. But I hit a low point last night and realized
I needed to make a change. I thought about when the last time I was really motivated
and sticking to my training (before Thanksgiving,ouch) and tried to think about
the differences. Well, I was blogging. I
was telling the world (or Elana who may be my lone reader- hi Elana!) what my
training plans were and then reporting on how I did. Blogging kept me
accountable. Since apparently I am five and only have self-control to save face,
I decided I needed to start blogging again.
So there you have it, recap of the last few months and my
plans to start blogging (oh yeah and training) again. I have had such good intentions and great
plans and have failed so hard, but hopefully this will help. I’ll start posting my weekly plans sometime
this weekend. Since my training has been so sporadic, but I have two long races
in April, I need to figure it out still. I’ll keep you updated. J
How about you, ever fall into a workout slump you felt
like you couldn't get out of? What did you do to get back on track?